My eldest sister lives in Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico and is a volounteer at a number of charities one of which is a childrens orphanage where she teaches english. Corazon de Nina is a safe home for girls and boys who have suffered physical, mental and sexual abuse, who have safely been removed from their homes due to the unstable living conditions. The 35 or so forgotten children have been adopted by Melissa and Juan to help heal them and make them whole again. Counseling, education and long term support are priorities of the home and 100% of all funds collected go direct to the children. On 14th February every year, the Corazon home has a major fund raising event - Corazon de Nina means 'Hearts of the Girls' and we decided to paint debbling heart baubles with a Puerto Vallarta scene, for this we needed an artists permission. On the main square in town there is an artist who cannot use his hands and so, he puts the paint brush in his mouth and paints this way. His name is Xaime Ximinez and he gave us permission to paint the heart baubles and offer them up for auction at the Valentines event to raise funds for the Corazon children. It was a massive success and each heart was an original piece. Corazon de Nina aims to continue sharing their love in their hearts Xaime Ximinez - The 'Mouth Painter'
DebbieI painted my first debbling and from the first firing I was hooked! Perhaps because the bauble was so shiny, round and tactile, my passion for painting has mainly focused on painting enchanting baubles for others. I have loved passing the debbling methods of painting to the girls and boys of Corazon de Nina.